Great to get the opportunity to play competitively again and play alongside strong, healthy, women with such a positive outlook.

I had just moved to Stirling and had not played since High school. After two children I was worried my fitness wouldn’t be good enough. I need not have worried, Bounce back Wednesdays were perfect for me and I have made friends with a bunch of lovely ladies!

Membership information for the following sessions:
Senior Sessions are for competitive players wanting to play in the CNA Senior League (players must be 13+): Training is held on Monday nights (please contact us directly for session venue and time details as these vary)
Recreational Sessions are for beginners (players must be 16+) : Sessions are held on Wednesday nights (please contact us directly for session venue and time details as these vary)
Seniors & Recreational Social Members: £23 per month*
Your first session is free so if you want to try before you commit, contact us to arrange your free session.
If you decide to become a member, register with us online. Please ensure you have read and understood the clubs code of conduct and data privacy statement. You will be required to acknowledge and provide your consent at registration.
Please note: we ask that all new inexperienced players to start at our recreational sessions before advancing to a competitive standard of play at the senior sessions.
Netball Scotland (NS) Affiliation
SNC memberships fees do not include NS Affiliation. All Senior and Recreational players are responsible for affiliating with NS directly to obtain a NS Membership: Players require a NS membership in order to play within CNA Senior or Social Leagues.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.​​